P u t  I t  B a c k

. . .what was it like before 1963

Our Goal

We are endeavoring to prove that the moral decay in America has accelerated exponentially since Madelyn M. O'hare coerced about 275,000 atheists to ramrod legislation to ban prayer from public schools.


We need someone to research for us and provide documentation as a volunteer that will verify our premise that things have just gotten worse since then.


We want to place certain documentation into the hands of political figures that will force them to see the HANDWRITING ON THE WALL and help turn the tide.


Web Design

Professional Affiliations


References available upon request.


John Q Public
123 Main Street
City, ST 00000
(000) 000-0000 home
(000) 000-0000 cell

Heading 4

Non odio. Fusce consequat. Nam nisl nulla, adipiscing a, quam.

Maecenas eget elit id magna auctor varius. Aliquam dapibus sapien non dolor.